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Finance Controlling is a SaaS service of TOR consulting company.

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Country: Ukraine
Industry: Financial Services
Technologies: Google Spreadsheets,Amazon Web Services
About project

The main challenge for SaaS financial management products is the need to:

a) performance - since many clients need everything "urgently" for "financial processes";

b) the absence of calculation errors - any numerical "error" leads to distrust of the financial product;

c) ease of use - inclusion of additional reports and functions on frequently requested problems by clients.


The first case that prevented our customer from further developing and selling his product is the work speed of the system, the quick creation of tables and the incorrect working of some software functions.

The second case is a full-fledged localization of the customer's software into Ukrainian and English for further business growth and compliance with legislation.

The third case is a monitoring system that will identify arising system errors and failures, quickly respond to them and eliminate them without serious financial losses.

The fourth case is the installation of a CMS for self-editing and managing the landing page.

The solution

To solve the first problem, we rewrote individual blocks of the system so that it worked and created cash flow sheets in less than 10 seconds - before that it took more than two minutes.

In parallel with the implementation of a proactive key software resources monitoring system, we also redesigned and structured the functionality on the existing Amazon server, significantly reducing hosting costs.

The result

Unlike traditional business models, where the bulk of income comes from a one-time purchase, for SaaS companies, revenue is distributed evenly over a long period of time.

Thanks to the work done by our team in optimizing the software and installing a simple but effective content management system, we made it possible for the customer to develop, update and refine his landing page, without the involvement of third parties.

As a result, our customer has significantly increased the lifetime value, reduced hosting costs and increased the stability of the software.

Thanks to translation into other languages, we made it possible to promote their product in foreign markets. And thanks to the modern monitoring system, the customer has the opportunity to constantly keep his software in working order.


Vyacheslav Shatillo

Founder of Consulting Company «ТОR»

APIBEST gave us confidence in the performance of our software.